Broadway affordable housing, located in Camden NJ, proposes a series of modular units, elevated walkways and large communal areas of land built alongside the historic Broadway Elementary. Broadway implores a series of well established building methods, codes, and infrastructure to reimagine how they can be combined to create a new type of community --- A community which takes down fences rather than putting them up. Broadway aims to propose an alternative to conventional affordable housing models in the form of a community land trust. The land is not owned by the Broadway occupants; it is maintained and presided over by a non profit organization. Functionally occupants rent or purchase units from previous owners or from the Broadway organization if necessary while having the ability to add additional units to expand their own home based upon their needs. The project aims to alleviate the pressures of putting down a mortgage or signing a long term lease by providing a low cost, high density, long term or temporary dwelling, where tenants get just what they need no more and no less.